Just from skimming the table of contents, one can tell that The Boys’ Book: How to be the Best at Everything is also appropriate for girls. In fact, with society changing how we should view gender roles, this book is great for any child.
An amazing book with a lot of practical knowledge enhanced with illustrations and methods with images for better understanding. Mostly it focuses on learning new skills and crafting items and making funny jokes and surprising social relations. It also contains facts and is fun, not t at all serious. Suggested to 10-13 year boys only. Very funny and witty but still contains some truly practical skills as well as things that will never happen skills. Truly amazing pick it up. Short and Sweet.
At last a book that no boy, young or old, should be without; a book that guarantees hours of fun; a book that shows readers exactly how to be the best at everything. Who could resist?
Find out
- how to slam dunk a basketball
- how to build a basic raft
- how to write in secret code
- how to find water in the desert
- how to do an Ollie on your skateboard
- how to work out which way is north without a compass
- how to fly a helicopter
- how to win at conkers
- how to tie essential knots
- how to take a penalty kick
- how to build a campfire