The Midnight Gang is a children’s book written by David Walliams and illustrated by Tony Ross. It was released by HarperCollins on 3 November 2016. The story follows a boy called Thomas “Tom” Charper going to a cruel hospital and joining a “midnight gang” consisting of the facility’s other children.
The Midnight Gang is a fun romp about child patients stuck in a decrepit London hospital called the Lord Funt Hospital. Protagonist Tom, from a horrible school for wealthy boys is taken there after getting hit in the head with a ball during a cricket match. His ward mates Amber (broken arms and legs), George (eating disorder), Robin (temporarily? blind from eye operation), Sally (serious cancer illness), all subject to a despicable matron.
As Big Ben tolls 12, all but Sally head off on various adventures, assisted by the Porter, who has lived at Lord Funt since being abandoned as a misshapen infant by his Mum. The adventures are realizations of the children’s dreams. It’s a wonderful story about camaraderie, love and friendship, with illustrations galore: kind of like a Roald Dahl book.