Fun, challenging, and for all age groups, Fitness on the Go has worked for celebrities such as Ranbir Kapoor, Anil Kapoor, and Bollywood’s fittest actress, Deepika Padukone. Supplemented with photographs and celebrity secrets, it is the one stop solution for the modern warrior.
The anytime, anywhere workout fitness guide for busy people
- Is your weight under control?
- Can you climb a few flights of steps quickly without going out of breath?
- Are you able to concentrate well in your work?
Looking slim isnt the only marker of being fit. Fitness means having stamina and strength, being able to do your everyday tasks better and being calm and focussed. Now celebrity fitness trainer Abhishek Sharma shows you the perfect exercise regime that:
- Works on both body and mind drawing elements from yoga, martial arts, and athletic workouts
- Can be done anywhere and without machines and includes a range of exercises such as brisk walking, jogging, skipping and cycling
- Helps you achieve a focussed mind by teaching breathing and mind centring exercises
- Is great for people on the move since the emphasis is on using your natural surroundings
- Is boredom-free as it is utterly versatile and can be changed around constantly
- Will make you more confident, fearless and is a great self-defence tool