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(Vintage) The Blind Miller by Catherine Cookson

by Catherine Cookson (Author)

Original price was: ₹222.00.Current price is: ₹99.00.


Book Condition: Very Good

An insight into ‘The Blind Miller by Catherine Cookson‘ – Mary Hetherington was a mother who dominated her family.  She was kind, efficient and generous–providing they did what she wanted.

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The Blind Miller by Catherine Cookson
(Vintage) The Blind Miller by Catherine Cookson
222.00 Original price was: ₹ price is: ₹99.00.

An insight into ‘The Blind Miller by Catherine Cookson‘ – Mary Hetherington was a mother who dominated her family.  She was kind, efficient and generous–providing they did what she wanted. But when David brought home Sarah from the ‘wrong end’ of the Fifteen Streets, a girl who brought life and laughter into her dustless house,  she soon took against her.

Then when she discovered that Sarah was loved not just by David but by all her menfolk, Mary Hetherington realised that this ‘interloper’, if allowed to go unchecked, would become a challenge to her authority–while Sarah, for her part, found that even the best people had their quarrels, and secrets they were anxious to hide…

Delineate the plot (broth) and settle on ten or twelve ingredients (characters), including at least one strong and meaty one (a determined woman). Using a large wooden spoon (typewriter), stir circularly clockwise, after a few moments (pages), stir anti-clockwise, followed by side-to-side movements, lowering the heat to simmer.

Add enticing condiments (surprising plot twists). As the stew gives off a delectable, quite unexpected aroma (which some may actually find unappetizing), turn the heat up for a final boil (climactic conclusion).