Blueeyedboy is a dark and intricately plotted tale of a poisonously dysfunctional family, a blind child prodigy, and a serial murderer who is not who he seems.
Told through a series of anonymous posts on the internet, this is a thriller that makes creative use of all the multiple personalities, disguise and mind games that are offered by playing out a life online.
Once there was a widow with three sons, and their names were Black, Brown and Blue. Black was the eldest; moody and aggressive. Brown was the middle child; timid and dull. But Blue was his mother’s favourite. And he was a murderer.
‘Engrossing psychological thriller…a novel of unusual complexity…Harris, best known for Chocolat, again shows her skill and versatility’ MAIL ON SUNDAY
The second in the Malbry Cycle of psychological thrillers – the latest of which is A Narrow Door.